Declaration of the Báb

Sunday May 22nd at 6:00pm

Bahá’í Faith Community Center

6910 E. Shea Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Finger Food Potluck

Potluck begins at 6:00pm followed by the program starting at 7:30pm.


Bahá’ís believe that the Báb [The Gate] is one of the Twin Manifestations of God for this new cycle of human history. He proclaimed to be the Promised One of Islam, the Mahdi or Qá’im. His coming fulfills the spiritual return of Elijah and John the Baptist, as well as the saoshyant referred to in Zoroastrianism. The Báb was the Forerunner to Bahá’u’lláh and Herald of the Bahá’í Faith.

The Báb’s [The Gate’s] first Declaration of His Mission came with the arrival of Mullá Husayn in Shiraz. On the night of May 22, 1844, Mullá Husayn was invited by the Báb to his home; on that night Mullá Husayn told him that he was searching for the possible successor to Hájí Sayyid Káẓim of Resht, whom had told his followers to search for the Promised One:

Our departed teacher insistently exhorted us to forsake our homes, to scatter far and wide, in quest of the promised Beloved… Regarding the features of the Promised One, he told us that He is of a pure lineage, is of illustrious descent, and of the seed of Fatimah. As to His age, He is more than twenty and less than thirty. He is endowed with innate knowledge. He is of medium height, abstains from smoking, and is free from bodily deficiency.” (quoted in Nabil-i-A’zam’s The Dawn-Breakers”, or “Nabil’s Narrative”, translated by Shoghi Effendi, p. 57)

The Báb told Mullá Husayn that all those signs were manifest in Himself and that He was in fact the Promised One and the bearer of divine knowledge and proceeded write a long treatise in his presence to answer all the questions he had within his heart without Mullá Husayn even asking them outloud. Mullá Husayn was astounded and then accepted His Revelation.


-Program Open to the Public-

Finger Food Potluck

Potluck begins at 6:00pm followed by the program starting at 7:30pm.

Please sign up using the link below:
Sign Up Link for the Potluck

If you have any questions please contact Shirin Nafisi (602) 321-1231 or email